Source code for zlmdb._pmap

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"""Persistent mappings."""

import struct
import sys
import uuid
import zlib
from typing import Optional, List, Callable, Any, Tuple, Dict

from zlmdb import _types, _errors
from zlmdb._transaction import Transaction

    import snappy
except ImportError:
    HAS_SNAPPY = False
    HAS_SNAPPY = True

if sys.version_info < (3, ):
    from UserDict import DictMixin as MutableMapping
    from import MutableMapping

class Index(object):
    Holds book-keeping metadata for indexes on tables (pmaps).
    def __init__(self, name, fkey, pmap, nullable=False, unique=True):

        :param name: Index name.
        :type name: str

        :param fkey: Function that extracts the indexed value from the indexed table.
        :type fkey: callable

        :param pmap: Persistent map for index storage.
        :type pmap: :class:`zlmdb._pmap.PersistentMap`

        :param nullable: Whether the indexed table column is allowed to
            take ``None`` values.
        :type nullable: bool

        :param unique: Whether the indexed table column must take unique values.
        :type unique: bool
        self._name = name
        self._fkey = fkey
        self._pmap = pmap
        self._nullable = nullable
        self._unique = unique

    def name(self):
        Index name property.

        :return: Name of the index (on the indexed table).
        :rtype: str
        return self._name

    def fkey(self):
        Indexed value extractor property.

        :return: Function to extract indexed value from the indexed table.
        :rtype: callable
        return self._fkey

    def pmap(self):
        Index table (pmap) property.

        :return: Persistent map for index storage.
        :rtype: :class:`zlmdb._pmap.PersistentMap`
        return self._pmap

    def nullable(self):
        Index nullable property.

        :return: Whether the indexed table column is allowed to
            take ``None`` values.
        :rtype: bool
        return self._nullable

    def unique(self):
        Index uniqueness property-

        :return: Whether the indexed table column must take unique values.
        :rtype: bool
        return self._unique

def is_null(value):
    Check if the scalar value or tuple/list value is NULL.

    :param value: Value to check.
    :type value: a scalar or tuple or list

    :return: Returns ``True`` if and only if the value is NULL (scalar value is None
        or _any_ tuple/list elements are None).
    :rtype: bool
    if type(value) in (tuple, list):
        for v in value:
            if v is None:
                return True
        return False
        return value is None

def qual(obj):
    Return fully qualified name of a class.
    return u'{}.{}'.format(obj.__class__.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__)

[docs]class PersistentMap(MutableMapping): """ Abstract base class for persistent maps stored in LMDB. """ COMPRESS_ZLIB = 1 COMPRESS_SNAPPY = 2 # these are filled by table decorate @zlmdb.table _zlmdb_oid: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None _zlmdb_marshal: Optional[Callable] = None _zlmdb_parse: Optional[Callable] = None _zlmdb_build: Optional[Callable] = None _zlmdb_cast: Optional[Callable] = None _zlmdb_compress: Optional[int] = None def __init__(self, slot: Optional[int], compress: Optional[int] = None): """ :param slot: :param compress: """ assert slot is None or type(slot) == int assert compress is None or compress in [PersistentMap.COMPRESS_ZLIB, PersistentMap.COMPRESS_SNAPPY] self._slot = slot if compress: if compress not in [PersistentMap.COMPRESS_ZLIB, PersistentMap.COMPRESS_SNAPPY]: raise Exception('invalid compression mode') if compress == PersistentMap.COMPRESS_SNAPPY and not HAS_SNAPPY: raise Exception('snappy compression requested, but snappy is not installed') if compress == PersistentMap.COMPRESS_ZLIB: self._compress = zlib.compress self._decompress = zlib.decompress elif compress == PersistentMap.COMPRESS_SNAPPY: self._compress = snappy.compress self._decompress = snappy.uncompress else: raise Exception('logic error') else: self._compress = lambda data: data # type: ignore self._decompress = lambda data: data # type: ignore # if this pmap is an index, the table-pmap the index-pmap is attached to self._index_attached_to = None # if this pmap is NOT an index, any indexes attached to this (table-)pmap self._indexes: Dict[str, Index] = {}
[docs] def indexes(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: """ return sorted(self._indexes.keys())
[docs] def is_index(self) -> bool: """ Flag indicating whether this pmap is used as an index. :return: """ return self._index_attached_to is not None
[docs] def attach_index(self, name: str, pmap: 'PersistentMap', fkey: Callable, nullable: bool = False, unique: bool = True): """ :param name: :param pmap: :param fkey: :param nullable: :param unique: """ if self._index_attached_to: raise Exception('cannot attach an index to an index (this pmap is already an index attached to {})'.format( self._index_attached_to)) if pmap._index_attached_to: raise Exception('index already attached (to {})'.format(pmap._index_attached_to)) if name in self._indexes: raise Exception('index with name "{}" already exists'.format(name)) self._indexes[name] = Index(name, fkey, pmap, nullable, unique) pmap._index_attached_to = self # type: ignore
[docs] def detach_index(self, name: str): """ :param name: """ if name in self._indexes: del self._indexes[name]
def _serialize_key(self, key): raise Exception('must be implemented in derived class') def _deserialize_key(self, data): raise Exception('must be implemented in derived class') def _serialize_value(self, value): raise Exception('must be implemented in derived class') def _deserialize_value(self, data): raise Exception('must be implemented in derived class') def __contains__(self, txn_key): """ :param txn_key: :return: """ assert type(txn_key) == tuple and len(txn_key) == 2 txn, key = txn_key assert isinstance(txn, Transaction) _key = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) + self._serialize_key(key) _data = txn.get(_key) return _data is not None def __getitem__(self, txn_key): """ :param txn_key: :return: """ assert type(txn_key) == tuple and len(txn_key) == 2 txn, key = txn_key assert isinstance(txn, Transaction) _key = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) + self._serialize_key(key) _data = txn.get(_key) if _data: if self._decompress: _data = self._decompress(_data) return self._deserialize_value(_data) else: return None def __setitem__(self, txn_key, value): """ :param txn_key: :param value: :return: """ assert type(txn_key) == tuple and len(txn_key) == 2 txn, key = txn_key assert isinstance(txn, Transaction) _key = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) + self._serialize_key(key) _data = self._serialize_value(value) if self._compress: _data = self._compress(_data) # if there are indexes defined, get existing object (if any), # so that we can properly maintain the indexes, should indexed # columns be set to NULL, in which case we need to delete the # respective index record _old_value = None if self._indexes: _old_data = txn.get(_key) if _old_data: if self._decompress: _old_data = self._decompress(_old_data) _old_value = self._deserialize_value(_old_data) # insert data record txn.put(_key, _data) # insert records into indexes for index in self._indexes.values(): # extract indexed column value, which will become the index record key _fkey = index.fkey(value) if _old_value: _fkey_old = index.fkey(_old_value) if not is_null(_fkey_old) and _fkey_old != _fkey: _idx_key = struct.pack('>H', index.pmap._slot) + index.pmap._serialize_key(_fkey_old) txn.delete(_idx_key) if is_null(_fkey): if not index.nullable: raise _errors.NullValueConstraint( 'cannot insert NULL value into non-nullable index "{}::{}"'.format(qual(self), else: _key = struct.pack('>H', index.pmap._slot) + index.pmap._serialize_key(_fkey) _data = index.pmap._serialize_value(key) txn.put(_key, _data) def __delitem__(self, txn_key): """ :param txn_key: :return: """ assert type(txn_key) == tuple and len(txn_key) == 2 txn, key = txn_key assert isinstance(txn, Transaction) _key = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) + self._serialize_key(key) # delete records from indexes if self._indexes: value = self.__getitem__(txn_key) if value: for index in self._indexes.values(): _idx_key = struct.pack('>H', index.pmap._slot) + index.pmap._serialize_key(index.fkey(value)) txn.delete(_idx_key) # delete actual data record txn.delete(_key) def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError() def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def select(self, txn: Transaction, from_key: Any = None, to_key: Any = None, return_keys: bool = True, return_values: bool = True, reverse: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None) -> 'PersistentMapIterator': """ Select all records (key-value pairs) in table, optionally within a given key range. :param txn: The transaction in which to run. :param from_key: Return records starting from (and including) this key. :param to_key: Return records up to (but not including) this key. :param return_keys: If ``True`` (default), return keys of records. :param return_values: If ``True`` (default), return values of records. :param reverse: If ``True``, return records in reverse order. :param limit: Limit number of records returned. :return: """ assert type(return_keys) == bool assert type(return_values) == bool assert type(reverse) == bool assert limit is None or (type(limit) == int and limit > 0 and limit < 10000000) return PersistentMapIterator(txn, self, from_key=from_key, to_key=to_key, return_keys=return_keys, return_values=return_values, reverse=reverse, limit=limit)
[docs] def count(self, txn: Transaction, prefix: Any = None) -> int: """ Count number of records in the persistent map. When no prefix is given, the total number of records is returned. When a prefix is given, only the number of records with keys that have this prefix are counted. :param txn: The transaction in which to run. :param prefix: The key prefix of records to count. :returns: The number of records. """ assert txn._txn key_from = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) if prefix: key_from += self._serialize_key(prefix) kfl = len(key_from) cnt = 0 cursor = txn._txn.cursor() has_more = cursor.set_range(key_from) while has_more: _key = cursor.key() _prefix = _key[:kfl] if _prefix != key_from: break cnt += 1 has_more = return cnt
[docs] def count_range(self, txn: Transaction, from_key: Any, to_key: Any) -> int: """ Counter number of records in the perstistent map with keys within the given range. :param txn: The transaction in which to run. :param from_key: Count records starting and including from this key. :param to_key: End counting records before this key. :returns: The number of records. """ assert txn._txn key_from = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) + self._serialize_key(from_key) to_key = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) + self._serialize_key(to_key) cnt = 0 cursor = txn._txn.cursor() has_more = cursor.set_range(key_from) while has_more: if cursor.key() >= to_key: break cnt += 1 has_more = return cnt
[docs] def truncate(self, txn: Transaction, rebuild_indexes: bool = True) -> int: """ :param txn: :param rebuild_indexes: :return: """ assert txn._txn assert self._slot key_from = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) key_to = struct.pack('>H', self._slot + 1) cursor = txn._txn.cursor() cnt = 0 if cursor.set_range(key_from): key = cursor.key() while key < key_to: if not cursor.delete(dupdata=True): break cnt += 1 if txn._stats: txn._stats.dels += 1 if rebuild_indexes: deleted, _ = self.rebuild_indexes(txn) cnt += deleted return cnt
[docs] def rebuild_indexes(self, txn: Transaction) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ :param txn: :return: """ assert txn._txn total_deleted = 0 total_inserted = 0 for name in sorted(self._indexes.keys()): deleted, inserted = self.rebuild_index(txn, name) total_deleted += deleted total_inserted += inserted return total_deleted, total_inserted
[docs] def rebuild_index(self, txn: Transaction, name: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ :param txn: :param name: :return: """ assert txn._txn assert self._slot if name in self._indexes: index = self._indexes[name] deleted = index.pmap.truncate(txn) key_from = struct.pack('>H', self._slot) key_to = struct.pack('>H', self._slot + 1) cursor = txn._txn.cursor() inserted = 0 if cursor.set_range(key_from): while cursor.key() < key_to: data = cursor.value() if data: value = self._deserialize_value(data) _key = struct.pack('>H', index.pmap._slot) + index.pmap._serialize_key(index.fkey(value)) _data = index.pmap._serialize_value(value.oid) txn.put(_key, _data) inserted += 1 if not break return deleted, inserted else: raise Exception('no index "{}" attached'.format(name))
[docs]class PersistentMapIterator(object): """ Iterator that walks over zLMDB database records. """ def __init__(self, txn: Transaction, pmap: PersistentMap, from_key: Any = None, to_key: Any = None, return_keys: bool = True, return_values: bool = True, reverse: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None): """ :param txn: :param pmap: :param from_key: :param to_key: :param return_keys: :param return_values: :param reverse: :param limit: """ self._txn = txn self._pmap = pmap assert pmap._slot if from_key: self._from_key = struct.pack('>H', pmap._slot) + pmap._serialize_key(from_key) else: self._from_key = struct.pack('>H', pmap._slot) if to_key: self._to_key = struct.pack('>H', pmap._slot) + pmap._serialize_key(to_key) else: self._to_key = struct.pack('>H', pmap._slot + 1) self._reverse = reverse self._return_keys = return_keys self._return_values = return_values self._limit = limit self._read = 0 self._cursor = None self._found = None def __iter__(self) -> 'PersistentMapIterator': assert self._txn._txn self._cursor = self._txn._txn.cursor() assert self._cursor # if self._reverse: # seek to the first record starting from to_key (and going reverse) self._found = self._cursor.set_range(self._to_key) if self._found: # to_key is _not_ inclusive, so we move on one record self._found = self._cursor.prev() else: self._found = self._cursor.last() else: # seek to the first record starting from from_key self._found = self._cursor.set_range(self._from_key) return self def __next__(self): """ :return: Return either ``(key, value)``, ``key`` or ``value``, depending on ``return_keys`` and ``return_values``. """ # stop criteria: no more records or limit reached if not self._found or (self._limit and self._read >= self._limit): raise StopIteration self._read += 1 # stop criteria: end of key-range reached _key = self._cursor.key() if self._reverse: if _key < self._from_key: raise StopIteration else: if _key >= self._to_key: raise StopIteration # read actual app key-value (before moving cursor) _key = self._pmap._deserialize_key(_key[2:]) if self._return_values: _data = self._cursor.value() if _data: if self._pmap._decompress: _data = self._pmap._decompress(_data) _data = self._pmap._deserialize_value(_data) else: _data = None # move the cursor if self._reverse: self._found = self._cursor.prev() else: self._found = # return app key-value if self._return_keys and self._return_values: return _key, _data elif self._return_values: return _data elif self._return_keys: return _key else: return None next = __next__ # Python 2
# # Key: UUID -> Value: String, OID, UUID, JSON, CBOR, Pickle, FlatBuffers #
[docs]class MapSlotUuidUuid(_types._SlotUuidKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (slot, UUID) and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidString(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._StringValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with UUID (16 bytes) keys and string (utf8) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidOid(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with UUID (16 bytes) keys and OID (uint64) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuid(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with UUID (16 bytes) keys and UUID (16 bytes) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidCbor(_types._UuidUuidKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapUuidTimestampBytes32(_types._UuidTimestampKeysMixin, _types._Bytes32ValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, Timestamp) keys and Bytes32 values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
class MapUint64TimestampUuid(_types._Uint64TimestampKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Uint64, Timestamp) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidUuid(_types._UuidUuidKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidTimestampUuid(_types._UuidTimestampKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, timestamp) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidStringUuid(_types._UuidStringKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, string) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidStringUuid(_types._UuidUuidStringKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID, string) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidUuidStringUuid(_types._UuidUuidUuidStringKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID, UUID, string) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidUuidUuid(_types._UuidUuidUuidKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID, UUID) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidUuidUuidUuid(_types._UuidUuidUuidUuidKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID, UUID, UUID) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidStringOid(_types._UuidStringKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, string) keys and Oid values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidSet(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._UuidSetValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, string) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidJson(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._JsonValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with UUID (16 bytes) keys and JSON values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._JsonValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapUuidCbor(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with UUID (16 bytes) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapUuidPickle(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._PickleValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with UUID (16 bytes) keys and Python Pickle values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapUuidFlatBuffers(_types._UuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with UUID (16 bytes) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidTimestampFlatBuffers(_types._UuidTimestampKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, Timestamp) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapTimestampFlatBuffers(_types._TimestampKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Timestamp keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapTimestampUuidFlatBuffers(_types._TimestampUuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Timestamp, UUID) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidTimestampUuidFlatBuffers(_types._UuidTimestampUuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, Timestamp, UUID) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUint16UuidTimestampFlatBuffers(_types._Uint16UuidTimestampKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (uint16, UUID, Timestamp) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidBytes20Uint8FlatBuffers(_types._UuidBytes20Uint8KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, bytes[20], uint8) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidBytes20Uint8UuidFlatBuffers(_types._UuidBytes20Uint8UuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, bytes[20], uint8, UUID) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidBytes20Bytes20Uint8UuidFlatBuffers(_types._UuidBytes20Bytes20Uint8UuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, bytes[20], bytes[20], uint8, UUID) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapTimestampUuidStringFlatBuffers(_types._TimestampUuidStringKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Timestamp, UUID, String) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapTimestampBytes32FlatBuffers(_types._TimestampBytes32KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Timestamp, Bytes32) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapTimestampStringFlatBuffers(_types._TimestampStringKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Timestamp, String) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidTimestampCbor(_types._UuidTimestampKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, Timestamp) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapTimestampUuidCbor(_types._TimestampUuidKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Timestamp, UUID) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapStringTimestampCbor(_types._StringTimestampKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (String, Timestamp) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapTimestampStringCbor(_types._TimestampStringKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Timestamp, String) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
# # Key: String -> Value: String, OID, UUID, JSON, CBOR, Pickle, FlatBuffers #
[docs]class MapStringString(_types._StringKeysMixin, _types._StringValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with string (utf8) keys and string (utf8) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapStringOid(_types._StringKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with string (utf8) keys and OID (uint64) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapStringOidOid(_types._StringOidKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (string:utf8, OID:uint64) keys and OID:uint64 values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapStringUuid(_types._StringKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with string (utf8) keys and UUID (16 bytes) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapStringStringUuid(_types._StringStringKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (string, string) keys and UUID (16 bytes) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapStringStringStringUuid(_types._StringStringStringKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (string, string, string) keys and UUID (16 bytes) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapStringJson(_types._StringKeysMixin, _types._JsonValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with string (utf8) keys and JSON values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._JsonValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapStringCbor(_types._StringKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with string (utf8) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapStringPickle(_types._StringKeysMixin, _types._PickleValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with string (utf8) keys and Python pickle values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapStringFlatBuffers(_types._StringKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with string (utf8) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
# # Key: OID -> Value: String, OID, UUID, JSON, CBOR, Pickle, FlatBuffers #
[docs]class MapOidString(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._StringValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and string (utf8) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidOid(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and OID (uint64) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidUuid(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and UUID (16 bytes) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidJson(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._JsonValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and JSON values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._JsonValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapOidCbor(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._CborValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and CBOR values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, marshal=None, unmarshal=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._CborValuesMixin.__init__(self, marshal=marshal, unmarshal=unmarshal)
[docs]class MapOidPickle(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._PickleValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and Python pickle values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidFlatBuffers(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapOidOidFlatBuffers(_types._OidOidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (OID, OID) / (uint64, uint64) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapOid3FlatBuffers(_types._Oid3KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (OID, OID, OID) / (uint64, uint64, uint64) keys and FlatBuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapOidOidSet(_types._OidKeysMixin, _types._OidSetValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with OID (uint64) keys and OID-set (set of unique uint64) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidStringOid(_types._OidStringKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (OID, string) keys and OID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidOidOid(_types._OidOidKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (OID, OID) keys and OID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidTimestampOid(_types._OidTimestampKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (OID, Timestamp) keys and OID values, where Timestamp is a np.datetime64[ns]. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapOidTimestampFlatBuffers(_types._OidTimestampKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (OID, Timestamp) keys and Flatbuffers values, where Timestamp is a np.datetime64[ns]. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapOidTimestampStringOid(_types._OidTimestampStringKeysMixin, _types._OidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (OID, Timestamp, String) keys and OID values, where Timestamp is a np.datetime64[ns]. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
# # Key types: Bytes32, (Bytes32, Bytes32), (Bytes32, String), ... # Value type: FlatBuffers #
[docs]class MapBytes32Uuid(_types._Bytes32KeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes32 keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes32Timestamp(_types._Bytes32KeysMixin, _types._TimestampValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes32 keys and Timestamp values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes32Bytes32(_types._Bytes32KeysMixin, _types._Bytes32ValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes32 keys and Bytes32 values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes32FlatBuffers(_types._Bytes32KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes32 keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapBytes32UuidFlatBuffers(_types._Bytes32UuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes32, UUID) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidBytes32FlatBuffers(_types._UuidBytes32KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, Bytes32) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidStringFlatBuffers(_types._UuidUuidStringKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID, String) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidUuidFlatBuffers(_types._UuidUuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, UUID) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapUuidStringFlatBuffers(_types._UuidStringKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (UUID, String) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapBytes32Bytes32FlatBuffers(_types._Bytes32Bytes32KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes32, Bytes32) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapBytes32StringFlatBuffers(_types._Bytes32StringKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes32, String) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
# # Key types: Bytes20, (Bytes20, Bytes20), (Bytes20, String) # Value type: FlatBuffers #
[docs]class MapBytes20Bytes20(_types._Bytes20KeysMixin, _types._Bytes20ValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes20 keys and Bytes20 values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes20Bytes20Timestamp(_types._Bytes20KeysMixin, _types._Bytes20TimestampValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes20 keys and (Bytes20, Timestamp) values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes20TimestampBytes20(_types._Bytes20TimestampKeysMixin, _types._Bytes20ValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes20, Timestamp) keys and Bytes20 values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes20TimestampUuid(_types._Bytes20TimestampKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes20, Timestamp) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes20Uuid(_types._Bytes20KeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes20 keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes20Bytes16(_types._Bytes20KeysMixin, _types._Bytes16ValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes20 keys and Bytes16 values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes20FlatBuffers(_types._Bytes20KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes20 keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapBytes16FlatBuffers(_types._Bytes16KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with Bytes16 keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapBytes16TimestampUuid(_types._Bytes16TimestampKeysMixin, _types._UuidValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes20, Timestamp) keys and UUID values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress)
[docs]class MapBytes16TimestampUuidFlatBuffers(_types._Bytes16TimestampUuidKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes20, Timestamp, UUID) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapBytes20Bytes20FlatBuffers(_types._Bytes20Bytes20KeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes20, Bytes20) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)
[docs]class MapBytes20StringFlatBuffers(_types._Bytes20StringKeysMixin, _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin, PersistentMap): """ Persistent map with (Bytes20, String) keys and Flatbuffers values. """ def __init__(self, slot=None, compress=None, build=None, cast=None): PersistentMap.__init__(self, slot=slot, compress=compress) _types._FlatBuffersValuesMixin.__init__(self, build=build, cast=cast)